Master’s in Nursing Schools in South Dakota

If you’re considering earning a Master’s degree in nursing, South Dakota may offer a wealth of unique opportunities that aren’t available in other states. Since the state’s population is so spread out, there’s a large shortage of health care providers in many parts of South Dakota. In addition, South Dakota has a diverse ethnic population that requires culturally-competent care. Earning your MSN in South Dakota begins with taking the time to find the right program. Take some time to search our site for the schools that interest you, then request more information by contacting schools.

Several nursing schools in South Dakota offer MSN programs. The length of your program depends largely on your current level of education. There is a unique option in South Dakota that allows Associate’s-level nurses to earn their BSN and MSN at one time. This option requires approximately five years of study. However, you could graduate in as little as two years if you already have a Bachelor’s of Nursing.

Learning goals differ from specialty to specialty. The nurse administrator emphasis is meant to give you the skills and education necessary to take on management and leadership roles in local health care agencies. You may learn about personnel management and financial management. Going into a nurse practitioner program or other advanced care program requires you to complete a number of clinical hours. This may give you valuable experience with different types of patients. The nurse education specialty gives you the tools you need to teach nurses at different levels of education.

You may want to start applying for scholarships as soon as you get accepted to an MSN program. The South Dakota Board of Nursing offers a variety of loans, scholarships, and grants. The South Dakota Nurses Foundation Scholarship is specifically intended for nurses pursuing a Master’s degree.

Working With Your MSN in South Dakota

The Tennessean notes that South Dakota is considered an excellent state for working nurses. In terms of nursing education, job openings, and salary, South Dakota was ranked third in the country. Whether you want to become an advanced practice nurse, a nurse educator, or a nurse leader, you can benefit from the positive nursing environment in this state.

Specifically, Medscape claims that South Dakota is a good work environment for nurse practitioners. South Dakota is ranked number one in the country for its physicians’ use of nurse practitioners and physician assistants, with almost 90% of the state’s primary care physicians using these professional services.

Throughout the state, the need for nurse educators is expected to grow as the state’s registered nurse shortage becomes a more severe problem. The South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation indicates that nursing is ranked third in the state in terms of job openings. To fill these jobs, community colleges and universities may need to hire more nurse educators.

As a nurse practitioner you can work in preventative medicine, as well as diagnose and treat various conditions and illnesses. You can with many different patient populations and age groups. Working as an advanced practice psychiatric nurse you will diagnose and treat various mental health disorders and psychiatric conditions.

If you want to know more about working with an MSN in South Dakota, or obtaining your MSN, contact any of the schools on this page.

What You Can Expect From Your MSN Program

South Dakota’s western area of the state is where the Black Hills are located and traditionally where the Sioux residents live. Therefore, there is a need for expanded healthcare in many rural areas. This state offers several opportunities for nursing education, and the South Dakota Action Coalition is working to promote higher levels of education and training for nurses by improving their educational system. South Dakota is a member of the Nurse Licensure Compact that allows nurses to have one multi-state license, which allows nurses to practice in their home state and other compact states.

There are many types of graduate degrees for nurses, and South Dakota Nurse is a full practice state for Nurse Practitioners, which includes prescribing medications. Some of the nursing graduate programs include:

  • Clinical Nursing Leadership
  • Nurse Educator
  • Family Nurse Practitioner
  • Post Master’s Certificate in Family Nurse Practitioner
  • Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
  • Nurse Administrator
  • Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
  • MSN in Advanced Public Health Nurse Leader
  • Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
  • Nurse Anesthesia
  • Adult Geriatric Nurse Practitioner

South Dakota State University admission requirements include:

  • BSN from an accredited university by CCNE or NLNAC
  • Completed Statistics course containing both descriptive and inferential statistics within five years prior to graduate program
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • A minimum of 1500 hours of nursing practice as an RN
  • Licensure as an RN
  • Coverage by professional RN liability insurance
  • Demonstration of logical thinking and writing skills in the preparation of a narrative statement (600 word minimum)
  • For applicants with English as a second language, proof of English proficiency by taking the TOEFL or IELTS

South Dakota State University has a Nurse Practitioner program that takes two years full-time and three years if you attend part-time, which is 52 credit hours and clinical/lab hours total 1050.

The curriculum includes:

  • Advanced Practice Nursing: Introduction to Roles and Issues
  • Advance Assessment Across the Lifespan
  • Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Across the Lifespan
  • Research Methods for Advance Practice Nurses
  • Pathophysiology Across the Lifespan: Applied to Advance Practice Nursing
  • FNP Practicum I & II
  • Health Policy, Legislation, Economics and Ethics
  • Pharmacotherapeutics Across the Lifespan: Application to Advance Practice
  • Cultural Competence in Healthcare
  • FNP Practicum III: Small Group Instruction
  • FNP Practicum III (one 4 credit course and one 5 credit course)

Following graduation you may either take the American Nurses Credentialing Center exam or the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certificate Program exam. The credential award from the American Nurses Credentialing Center is considered a reliable assessment of your knowledge and skills as a nurse practitioner, and it is valid for five years. If you are a member of the American Nurses Association the cost is $200, and if you are a member of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners the cost is $280, while nonmembers must pay $350. The certification from the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners has been developed in cooperation with the Professional Examination Service (Pro–Exam). This is a competency-based national certification exam that is an objective measure of knowledge and skill required by a nurse practitioner. Members of this organization pay $290 for this certification, and nonmembers pay $365. Having one of these credentials is essential to working as a nurse practitioner and it is something that your employer will want to verify.

If you need assistance in paying for your education, visit your Financial Aid office at your university and complete a FAFSA application, which is a federal grant program. The Health Resources and Services Administration offers low interest loans, scholarships and loan repayment programs.

Other opportunities for help include the Hearst Foundation Grants, the Indian Health Service Loan Repayment Program and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Pioneer Portfolio Unsolicited Proposals. South Dakota also has a South Dakota Recruitment Assistance Program for nurse practitioners or nurse midwives that are willing to work for three continuous years of practice in an eligible rural community for payment of educational loans.

While South Dakota has had an 80 percent increase in nurses, they still expect to need 2,000 more nurses over the next ten years, so job security is excellent for nurses, particularly for those with higher educations. Earning your graduate degree will give you a sense of satisfaction and possibly allow you to position yourself in an expanded role that may also increase your income.

Get started today and request information from a graduate nursing school near you! Use our free school listings to find the best MSN program to match your career goals.

South Dakota RN to MSN Bridge Programs

As a South Dakota nurse, you may have worked with a variety of people over the course of your career. It’s likely that you’ve worked in one of South Dakota’s remote rural communities in addition to addressing health care needs in the state’s larger cities. Do you want to expand your career responsibilities and options by studying nursing research, leadership, practice, or education? South Dakota is home to several schools with RN-to-MSN programs, which are designed to help working RNs get the education they need to succeed.

Since you will be earning an MSN with an Associate’s degree, rather than a Bachelor’s degree, you may spend a bit more time in school than someone earning a traditional MSN degree. Most RN-to-MSN bridge programs in South Dakota last about three years and require you to attend school full-time. Some courses can be completed online, rather than in person.

The first part of your degree requires you to complete Bachelor’s-level coursework in anticipation of graduate-level coursework. In this part of your education, which lasts one to two semesters, you may take classes like Family and Communication, Health Assessment and Clinical Decision Making, Community Health Nursing, and Roles & Issues in Advanced Practice Nursing.

With these courses under your belt, you can take classes like Research Methods for Advanced Practice Nurses and Health Policy, Legislation, Economics, & Ethics. If you go into a specialty like nurse practitioner, nurse midwifery, or nurse anesthesia, your curriculum will likely include courses like Ethics in Advanced Practice Nursing and Acute & Chronic Care of Adults. Education-based courses include Curriculum Development and Instruction in Nursing, Technology-Based Instruction in Nursing, and Cultural Competence in Healthcare. Clinical nurse leadership programs include classes like Health Operations and Financial Management for Nurse Managers & Improvement Science. Clinical requirements range from 400 to 600 hours at most South Dakota schools.

There are many options for financial aid in South Dakota. Checking out your options early and applying to as many as possible may help you earn a considerably amount of money for school. The Nursing Education Scholarship Program is offered through the South Dakota Board of Nursing. Selected nursing education students will receive $1,000 per year. Avera, a local health care employer, offers scholarships like the Avera Health Leaders Scholarship and the Sister Colman Coakley Education Scholarship. Some scholarships are school-specific. For example, through the SDSU Foundation, students can apply for a variety of scholarships with just one application.

The South Dakota Board of Nursing is the governing board for RNs and advanced practice nurses. Once you’ve successfully graduate from your MSN program, you can apply to the Board for advanced practice standing. This requires you to have an up-to-date RN license and pass the advanced nursing test for your specialty.

Perhaps due to the below-average cost of living in South Dakota, nursing salaries in this region tend to be slightly lower than the national average. However, there are exceptions.

Enhancing your education with an RN-to-MSN program can have many positive long-term effects. Not only may you increase your own earning potential and have more career options, you may be more of a valuable contributor in your health care organization.

Higher education standards can lead to better patient care, a better understanding of nursing research, and the overall strengthening of this excellent career field.

South Dakota Direct Entry MSN

South Dakota is a wonderful place to start your advanced nursing career. Even with no previous nursing skills, you could receive your Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree in as little as three years. Find out how a direct entry Master’s in Nursing program can help get you on the the fast track toward a professional nursing career that can lead to satisfaction and success. Contact the schools you find on our site to learn more about your options for accelerated graduate nursing programs in South Dakota today.

If you have ever had an interest in nursing but have never enrolled in a nursing program, a direct entry MSN program could be right for you. The direct entry MSN program is available to those who have earned a bachelor’s degree in a field other than nursing. For the first year, you will learn the foundational concepts that will prepare you for the RN licensure exam (NCLEX-RN). Over the course of the next two years, you will receive more advanced education pertaining to your master’s degree and nursing focus, eventually allowing you to enter nursing as an APRN.

Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) are registered nurses (RNs), who receive additional education in the form of master’s degree or higher. There are four main clinical (direct patient care) roles that are designed for advanced practice nurses to fill. The four roles include: nurse practitioners, nurse anesthetists, nurse midwives, and clinical nurse specialists.

Nurse practitioners (NPs) are vital to today’s primary care. Often times, a nurse practitioner practices at the same level as a physician. Although nurse practitioners have been given more liberties throughout recent years, in some states they still must practice within the boundaries of physician supervision and state law. Some of the functions that nurse practitioners may lawfully practice, either independently or under physician supervision are listed below. Scope of practice laws are individualized for each state, which will determine the level of autonomy allowed in practice.

Nurse Practitioner Roles

  • Diagnosing patients and instituting a plan of therapy or referral to another doctor or specialist.
  • Prescribing medications and providing drug samples, including controlled drugs or substances to treat symptoms and causative factors.
  • Writing a chemical or physical restraining order if the patient exhibits the possibility of causing harm to themselves or others.
  • Completing and signing official documents pertaining to death certificates, birth certificates, etc.
  • Performing physical examinations for athletic participation and certifying that patient is healthy enough to undergo athletic-related activities.

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) work primarily in hospitals, but you may also find employment in other health care institutions. Not only do they deliver anesthesia to patients, but they also closely monitor and provide care for patients before, during and after surgical procedures. They also earn one of the highest salaries in the entire nursing profession.

Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs) are also another vital component to primary care. They differ from nurse practitioners in that they primarily focus on women’s health services, including family planning, gynecological exams, prenatal care, labor and delivery, newborn care, and postnatal care.

Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) work to provide expertise in a specialized area related to setting, population, type of care, disease or medical subspecialty, or in another area of medical care. They play important roles in the care of patients and make substantial contributions to care in clinical medical settings.

A general sample course outline for a graduate level nursing program may include many of the following courses:

  • Influences on Health and Illness: Nursing Perspective
  • Nursing Interventions, Assessment & Community Care I
  • Lab for Nursing Interventions, Assessment & Community Care I
  • Pathophysiology for Advanced Practice
  • Nursing with Women and Families
  • Clinical for Nursing with Women and Families
  • Health Care Research
  • Advanced Pharmacology
  • Nursing Care of Adults I
  • Clinical for Nursing Care of Adults I
  • Nursing & Promotion of Mental Health
  • Clinical for Nursing & Promotion of Mental Health
  • Intermediate Nursing Interventions, Assessment & Community Care
  • Lab for Intermediate Nursing Interventions, Assessment & Community Care
  • Nursing Care of Adults II
  • Clinical for Nursing Care of Adults II
  • Nursing Care of the Child
  • Clinical for Nursing Care of the Child
  • Public Health Community Nursing
  • Clinical for Public Health Community Nursing
  • Comprehensive Nursing Practicum
  • Managing and Leading in Nursing
  • Health Informatics I

After you graduate you will be eligible to take the exam to become nationally certified in your area of specialty. The South Dakota Board of Nursing recognizes advanced practice nurses who are certified through the following organizations:

  • National Board of Certification and Recertification of Nurse Anesthetists
  • American Nurses Credentialing Center
  • Pediatric Nursing Certification Board
  • American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
  • National Certification Corporation
  • American Association of Critical Care Nurses
  • The American Midwifery Certification Board

Whatever specialization you choose, know that becoming an advanced practice nurse is making an impact on other’s lives. The direct entry MSN program gives you the possibility to experience a rewarding career. You can also choose a non-direct care accelerated Master’s in Nursing route, which could lead to a position as a nursing instructor, a nurse manager, or even a healthcare administrator.

The potential to affect the profession of nursing in a positive way, while still maintaining a career that is personally rewarding, are two of the greatest benefits to earning your Master’s degree in Nursing, regardless of which route you take. Check out our specialty pages to learn more about the possibilities for earning your graduate nursing degree in South Dakota.

South Dakota CRNA Programs

The nursing field is a deep and complex field that includes many exciting professions and career paths. If you’re looking for a career that allows you to build on what you know as a registered nurse, you may wish to look into the field of nurse anesthesia. This specialty allows highly-trained nurses to provide anesthetic services to patients with specific medical needs. It has helped make care more affordable across the country, and it’s particularly important in South Dakota, where the rural layout makes it difficult for patients to have access to an anesthesiologist.

The field of nurse anesthesia may be a good choice for you if you’re highly skilled in patient care and you want to start working more independently in this aspect of nursing. Contact the South Dakota CRNA programs by reaching out to the schools listed on our site.

Before you can begin working, you must have a thorough knowledge of pharmacology and the ability to work well with many types of medical professionals. As a nurse anesthetist, you may work in hospital surgery wards, emergency rooms, or outpatient clinics alongside anesthesiologists, surgeons, nurse practitioners, and other advanced health care professionals.

If nurse anesthesia seems like it may be the career for you, it’s time to learn more about what it means to work in this field. Keep reading to find out what you have to learn and do to become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist in South Dakota.

Admissions and Curriculum for CRNA Programs in South Dakota

Are you ready to look into nurse anesthesia programs in South Dakota? You may want to see if you meet some of the general requirements for nurse anesthesia graduate programs first. Whether you want to earn a graduate degree or a doctoral degree, you may have to prove yourself as a registered nurse to gain acceptance to a program. You must have a bachelor’s degree in nursing from an accredited school, and furthermore, you must have earned a 3.0 or higher GPA while earning that degree. Nursing experience is required, often in settings like emergency care, trauma care, or surgical care. You can plan on gaining at least one year of full-time nursing experience before applying to a CRNA program.

You may focus on several learning goals and outcomes as you proceed through a nurse anesthesia degree. Since you’re studying in South Dakota, you may learn specifically about advanced rural nursing care and what role you may play in a rural health care setting. In addition, you may discover nursing research and find out how it fits into your role as a clinical nurse. Diversity is another important concept in CRNA programs.

Your curriculum may be centered around these and other learning goals to help you become an efficient and skilled nurse anesthetist. Courses you may take include Advanced Health Assessment Across the Life Span, Physiologic Variables for Nurse Anesthesia Practice, Basic Principles of Nurse Anesthesia Practice, and Pharmacology of Anesthetics & Accessory Drugs. In your classes, you may gain over 550 hours of clinical experience. Many schools require more clinical work, as more clinical work often leads to more confident and competent care providers.

Many scholarships and grants are available through South Dakota schools, organizations, and employers. On a school-wide level, consider applying for the Nurse Faculty Loan Program and the Advanced Education Nursing Traineeship Fund. The South Dakota Center for Nursing Workforce provides financial aid on a governmental basis.

Working as a Nurse Anesthetist in South Dakota

Upon completing your advanced nursing degree, you may be close to working as a nurse anesthetist in South Dakota. However, you must achieve national certification and state licensure before you can begin working as a nurse anesthetist. First, you go through the National Board of Certification & Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists to become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist. They require you to pass a standardized nurse anesthesia exam before you receive the title of CRNA. They can send your test scores to the South Dakota Board of Nursing. Once the Board of Nursing has your advanced practice application and your passing test scores, they can give you the title of Advanced Practice Registered Nurse.

There’s a lot that goes into a career in nurse anesthesia, and you may find it easier to navigate the field if you join the South Dakota Association of Nurse Anesthetists. This group advocates for nurse anesthetists at a legislative level, so they may represent your interests at the state level. In addition, joining this group may put you in touch with other professional nurses and support you with continuing education opportunities. Taking part in groups like this may help you learn about new job opportunities in the state of South Dakota.

Is it time to use your nursing education to start a new career and explore your full potential? If you’re ready to take the next step in your nursing career, use our school listings below to reach out to nurse anesthetist schools in South Dakota.

Forensic Nursing in South Dakota

The demand for nurses has grown considerably throughout the United States, with rural states like South Dakota often being hit hardest. Nurses who choose to work in this state often settle in metropolitan areas like Sioux Falls, leaving much of the population with little access to healthcare. The problem becomes even more severe when you consider specialized nursing roles.

In South Dakota, there are not enough forensic nurses and Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners to provide timely services to all of the sexual assault victims in this state (Argus Leader). This is a serious issue that can leave victims feeling further traumatized as they are forced to wait for hours in the same clothes in which they were victimized.

Could you make a difference in South Dakota as a forensic nursing professional?

Find out now by contacting forensic nurse schools below.

Master’s Degree Programs in Forensic Nursing in South Dakota

The first step to advancing your nursing career is choosing an educational program that fits your needs. If you want to become a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner, you may be able to complete a short-term training program that provides clinical experience and training.

To work in other areas of forensic nursing, including death investigations, evidence collection, and biological evidence assessment, you may need a Master’s in forensic nursing. Over a period of two to three years, you complete at least 30 credits while studying the theory and practical skills of forensic nursing.

Forensic Nursing Graduate Courses

• Foundations of Forensic Nursing
• Criminalistics
• Psychological, Social, and Legal Aspects of Forensics
• Interprofessional Collaboration

Another area of specialized study in this field is legal nurse consulting. Legal nurse consultants assess physical evidence, give their opinion in court, study cases to understand precedent, and undergo questioning from prosecutors. In this type of program, you spend considerably less time working with patients and much more time learning about the field of law.

Each certification organization sets different forensic nursing requirements. Those who plan on becoming SANEs or Advanced Forensic Nurses through the Commission for Forensic Nursing Certification must have enough clinical training and relevant work experience before applying. The American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants sets training and work experience requirements for legal nurse consultants.

The Role of Forensic Nurses in South Dakota

With all of the different forensic nurse degrees in South Dakota, you may play a wide range of different roles in this field. If you choose to specialize in sexual assault or forensic nursing, you may spend quite a bit of time working with those who are commonly victimized by crime, including women and children. Forensic nursing professionals often play an active role in associations like the South Dakota Coalition Ending Domestic and Sexual Violence.

If you go into legal nurse consulting, your work experience may be slightly different. You may spend your days consulting with lawyers, searching legal libraries, and sitting through court cases. While some graduates work for legal nursing consulting agencies, others become self-employed and offer their services to lawyers in their community.

Why wait any longer to take the next step in your career? Learn more about how you can use a forensic nursing degree.

Reach out to forensic nurse programs on the list below to get more information.

South Dakota Clinical Nurse Leader

Whether you work in the emergency room, a clinic, or a specialty clinic, the skills you bring to the table as a registered nurse are extremely valuable in South Dakota. Many South Dakota residents have had inadequate access to health care in the past, thanks to the state’s spread-out population and the difficulty of attracting care providers to the area.

You, as a nurse, are in a unique position to solve this problem. You can use your nursing experience and your dedication to South Dakota to improve the care that people all over the state receive.

Clinical Nurse Leaders help fulfill the clinical needs of hospitals and other care facilities while serving as leaders and mentors for other nurses. With the ongoing Medicaid expansion in South Dakota, nursing professionals in South Dakota must be accountable for care outcomes and prepare for federal oversight (Black Hills Pioneer). Like any other nursing career, nurse leadership begins with the appropriate training and theoretical education.

Take a look at our list of Master’s in nurse leadership programs in South Dakota to find out more about your options.

How Can I Become a Clinical Nurse Leader in South Dakota?

The goal of Clinical Nurse Leadership (CNL) graduate programs in South Dakota is to prepare experienced nurses for leadership positions in medical facilities across the state. These facilities include nursing homes, hospitals, and community clinics.

In graduate programs in this specialty, you’ll be expected to earn between 33 and 39 credits. You may explore topics like patient health assessment, the structure of the health care system, and ethics in the field of nursing.

In South Dakota, many nursing schools require these graduate courses or courses similar to them:

  • Research in Nursing and Health Care
  • Advanced Health Assessment
  • Health Operations and Financial Management
  • Clinical Nurse Leader
  • Microsystem Approaches
  • Clinical Immersion
  • Health Policy and Ethics
  • Foundations of Advanced Nursing

By the time you complete your Master’s degree, you should have experience in many areas of health care that go beyond the scope of registered nursing, like quality improvement, outcomes-based practice, care in microsystems, and chain of command in health care facilities.

Clinical work is a common part of nursing graduate study, but a lot depends on what part of South Dakota you live in and how many medical facilities are in your area. You may have no clinical requirements or you may spend over 500 hours in a local hospital or clinic.

Throughout and after your education, you must maintain a valid RN license through the South Dakota Board of Nursing. They do not have any continuing education requirements, but they do require biennial renewal and a $90 renewal fee.

The AACN oversees the certification program for Clinical Nurse Leaders. By passing their certification exam, you can become a Clinical Nurse Leader for five years. At the five-year point, you must provide proof of 50 continuing education units and renew your certification.

What Does a Clinical Nurse Leader Do?

Nurse leadership jobs tend to build on the role of the registered nurse and take it to the next level. You maintain your clinical presence and spend most of your time working with patients, as you are expected to serve as a hands-on leader. This involves working closely with other nurses and getting comfortable in an independent nursing role, as you often have the responsibility of making care decisions and split-second choices.

Being a nurse leader goes beyond the hospital floor. You must also remain active in the nursing community of South Dakota, especially if you want other nurses to see you as a leader whom they can trust. The South Dakota Nurses Association is a large professional organization for nurses in this area, and they empower nurse leaders with annual leadership elections. Don’t be afraid to learn from others in your field, attend training events, and take advantage of networking opportunities.

When you devote yourself to nurse leadership and earn your Master’s degree, you are doing more than expanding your own career. You are strengthening the field of nursing and demonstrating the value of ongoing education in this industry.

Discover your education options by contacting Master’s in nurse leadership programs in South Dakota below.

South Dakota Research Nursing Graduate Programs

South Dakota (SD) Action Coalition is working hard to advance their nurses to achieve a higher level of education and to become a more diverse workforce to meet the needs of the state’s population. Rural SD citizens often have only nurses as their sole healthcare providers, making well educated nurses the backbone of healthcare in the state.

One of the most important educational tracks in advanced nursing involves research. As such, we’ve listed all of the schools that offer graduate programs in nursing research here to help you get started in this focus. Contact the schools that interest you to begin.

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has Evidenced-based Practice Centers (EPC) that review all scientific literature on a broad spectrum of health services and clinical topics. Nurses play a significant role in this process.

They use these reports as a scientific basis to develop coverage protocols that measure quality, which guides clinical practice. Some of the common clinical research topics include blood disorders, genetic conditions or obesity. The research for health care services also study topics such as public health preparedness. There are numerous research focus areas from which to choose, so this may be a great time to consider a graduate nursing degree in research.

South Dakota Graduate Degree Programs in Nursing Research

There are a number of accredited programs available in South Dakota, ranging from Master’s (MSN) degrees to Doctoral (DNP) degrees in Nursing Research. A typical MSN degree has several program competencies, which include evaluating, conducting and utilizing research within advanced nursing practice. You can contribute significantly to the advancement of health in rural areas and for the under-served population by addressing their health needs through relevant research.

You may also have the opportunity to earn a Post Master’s Certificate in research if you have a MSN in a different specialty. Contact the schools on our page to learn more about your options for study today.

The admission criteria for an MSN program usually includes:

  • Baccalaureate degree from an accredited program
  • Official transcripts
  • Completed a statistics course
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • Minimum of 1500 hours of nursing practice as a RN
  • Current RN license
  • Covered by professional RN liability insurance

Other ways to get experience in research nursing may be found from the following institutions, which may also offer financial assistance and networking opportunities:

  • National Institutions of Nursing Research
  • NIH Behavioral and Social Sciences Seminar Series
  • Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Interactive Textbook
  • Evidence-Based Behavioral Practice

The South Dakota Board of Nursing also has a list of links on their website that may offer grants and loans that may be help cover the costs of your graduate nursing program.

The Role of Clinical Nurse Researchers in South Dakota

As you can see, there are numerous types of nursing research for advanced research coordinators. These nurses may be employed in hospitals, various foundations, laboratories or in university settings. This is an excellent opportunity to return to school for your graduate degree and begin a career that is exciting and contributes to the nursing profession as a whole.

Reach out to the South Dakota schools with nursing research programs to learn more about how to go about entering this vital field.

South Dakota Certified Nurse Midwife

Pregnancy, laboring, and giving birth are some of the most life-changing experiences that women can go through. During this part of their lives, women want options and they want to know that they can choose a care provider who offers safe, evidence-based care. Certified nurse midwives (CNMs) offer many of the same services as OB/GYNs and hospital births attended by CNMs have been found to be just as safe as hospital births attended by OB/GYNs.

If you’re ready to take your nursing career to the next level, contact the certified nurse midwife programs in South Dakota that are listed below.

Though nurse midwifery has been a nursing specialty for many years, its popularity has really taken off in recent years. Many birth centers have popped up all over the country, giving women the chance to go through childbirth with the aid of a skilled nurse midwife. If you’re ready to help women and expand your scope of practice as a nurse, then it’s time to find out how you can become a certified nurse midwife in South Dakota.

Becoming a Certified Nurse Midwife in South Dakota

Nurse midwife programs are rigorous and multifaceted, since you must be able to competently care for women of many different ages and with varying medical needs. CNMs work independently in many different care settings, and you must be able to make quick, appropriate care decisions to meet the needs of your patients.

Early in your education, you may learn about core advanced nursing skills that help you assess patients, determine whether or not they are a good fit for midwifery care, and appropriately document your care. Courses that may be part of this section of your education include Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology, Advanced Health Assessment, Advanced Nursing Clinical Skills, and Advanced Pharmacology.

Once you start becoming familiar with your role as a primary care provider, you can start learning how to provide care specifically to women, pregnant women, and newborns. Courses that may be part of your training include Introduction to Antepartum Management, Disparities in Women’s Health Care, Advanced Scholarship in Nurse Midwifery, and Antepartum Complications. These courses also focus on clinical work, leading to the completion of over 1,000 clinical hours by graduation.

As an advanced nursing student, you may have the chance to apply for various nursing scholarships. The SD Center for Nursing Workforce awards numerous scholarships to students at different educational levels. Through AAMC, you can apply for funds through the South Dakota Recruitment Assistance Program. Four different scholarships are awarded by the South Dakota Nurses Association.

Working as a Certified Nurse Midwife in South Dakota

As you near the end of your CNM education, you should start preparing for the certification process. You must apply to take your certification exam through the American Midwifery Certification Board. Once you pass their thorough nurse midwifery exam, you can have your test scores sent to the South Dakota Board of Nursing. You receive your state nursing license once you provide proof of your education and your nurse midwife certification.

Nurse midwives have the opportunity to give women the personalized, evidence-based care they want during their childbearing years. Get started in this field now by contacting certified nurse midwife programs in South Dakota directly from our site.

South Dakota Clinical Nurse Specialist Programs

It’s well-known that technology has forever changed the future of health care. Nurses, doctors, and other health care providers can do more in less time with fewer errors. However, as we move into the era of the Affordable Care Act with higher patient numbers, it’s skilled personnel that will take the field of health care to the next level. If you’re a nurse and you’re ready to use your knowledge in advanced clinical care, nursing research, and leadership, you may want to learn more about clinical nurse specialist programs in South Dakota.

Contact the South Dakota nursing schools with CNS programs listed below to learn more.

Advanced nurse specialists can provide a wide variety of services, save patients’ and organizations’ money, and improve the state of health care in general. Organizations note that advanced nurses can improve patient outcomes and help them feel better about the care they receive.

Becoming a Clinical Nurse Specialist in South Dakota

Choosing a specialty may be one of the most important parts of starting your CNS education. Think about the population you want to work with, what you want to spend most of your work time doing, and how you want to affect the world of health care. If you like working with children, consider pediatrics. If you want to take down one of the most devastating diseases in the world, study oncology. You can look at local schools and the specialized educational tracks they offer.

While completing your education as a CNS student, you may earn between 30 and 40 credits. Many of these credits come from clinical experience, since you must be able to use your education in a clinical setting to be an effective nurse. Courses you may find in your curriculum include Role Development for the Advanced Practice Nurse, Statistics for Health Care Professionals, Pathophysiology for Advanced Practice Nurses, Physical Assessment for Clinical Nurse Specialists, Health Care Policy and Politics, and Clinical Nurse Specialist Role Immersion.

While completing these and other required courses, you can plan on spending at least 500 hours working with your chosen population in a clinical setting. You may even complete an internship to build long-lasting nursing relationships and discover the various tasks that a CNS must perform throughout the work day.

South Dakota nursing scholarships are provided by employers, professional associations, and government entities. Search far and wide to find as many opportunities as possible. The South Dakota Nurses Foundation can provide students with money for tuition and living expenses. Through Avera, a statewide health care employer, you may find several scholarship opportunities. Contact the South Dakota Center for Nursing Workforce for more information on local scholarships and grants.

Working as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in South Dakota

To work as a clinical nurse specialist, you must meet state and national certification standards. On a national level, you can earn certification through the American Nurses Credentialing Center in your chosen specialty. You can have proof of your certification and your passing exam score sent to the South Dakota Board of Nursing, which may then award you an advanced practice license.

CNN Money has a positive outlook on the field of advanced nursing. By their estimates, job growth may increase by 26% through the year 2022. On average, clinical nurse specialists earn $86,500 per year. For many nurses, this reflects a significant boost in earning potential.

Clinical nurse specialists are an essential part of health care in South Dakota. Learn more about this career path by reaching out to clinical nurse specialist programs in South Dakota.

South Dakota Public Health Nursing Grad Programs

From health education to scientific research, the public health nursing sector offers you numerous opportunities to help promote and protect your community at a federal, local, and state level. As a public health nurse, you will focus on preventing diseases and injuries while encouraging healthy habits.

Depending on your educational training, you may find yourself working as a:

  • First responder
  • Health educator
  • Researcher
  • Community planner
  • Epidemiologist
  • Public health nurse
  • Public policymaker
  • Occupational health and safety professional APHA

In order to advance your career as a registered nurse in South Dakota, you can enroll in a master’s degree program that has proper accreditation through a governing body, such as the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. Not only does the CCNE ensure you are being taught with quality and integrity, but this organization also ensures you are properly prepared to take your licensing exam. Click on a college near you to learn more today.

Master’s Degree Programs in Public Health Nursing in South Dakota

As an aspiring public health nurse, you will need to earn your Master of Science in Nursing and hold a public health specialty, which can take up to three years to finish. You will need to provide all applicable transcripts and licensing documentation before being accepted into the program. You may also need to prove that you hold your CPR certification as well as have taken the following courses:

  • Nursing research
  • Pathophysiology
  • Applied statistics
  • Health assessment

Combining classroom instruction with a clinical practicum, graduate degree programs teach you the knowledge and skills needed to increase healthcare access, educate the community, identify health risks, advocate policies, and perform scientific research. Before graduation, you will likely need to finish up to 500 hours of clinical training under direct supervision. Coursework covers core academic and advanced specialty subjects, such as:

  • Advanced pathophysiology
  • Public health nursing leadership and management
  • Public health nursing theory and practice
  • Environmental health
  • Epidemiology

If you are looking for financial assistance to help cover tuition costs and living expenses, you have several options available to you through the Health Resources and Services Administration, the federal government, or private healthcare institutions. You may take advantage of the FAFSA, but you need to fill out the application before the deadline.

You may also enter into a fellowship through the Council of Graduate Schools or apply for the Faculty Loan Repayment Program through the HRSA. Many colleges even offer scholarships for nursing students.

The Role of Public Health Nurses in South Dakota

To prove to potential employers that you have the knowledge needed to succeed in this field, you can earn the APHN-BC credential, in which the American Nurses Credentialing Center asses your portfolio to ensure you hold entry-level clinical skills and knowledge in the public health specialty.

Start your journey to becoming a successful public health nurse by contacting the schools below with a master’s degree program in South Dakota today.

South Dakota Graduate Nursing Programs in Healthcare Policy

Like most industries, the field of healthcare is dictated by policy. The policies put in place by institutions, states, and the federal government all impact how nurses work, what their scope of practice is, and which services are available to South Dakota residents.

For that reason, getting involved in health policy is an excellent way to change the medical industry and improve health outcomes in South Dakota.

Policy creators in South Dakota have contributed to many important efforts over the years. Better Choices, Better Health is a statewide program that hopes to help South Dakota residents manage their chronic diseases in the best way possible (Butte County Post).

Implementing this program is expected to save the state millions of dollars by assisting residents with preventive care and minimizing the amount of emergency care that is needed.

Do you have great ideas for health laws and policies in South Dakota? Take your nursing career to the next level and request information from Master’s in healthcare policy programs in South Dakota.

Master’s Degree Programs in Healthcare Policy in South Dakota

Like most students, you are probably drawn to health policy because of one specific area of legislation that interests you. For example, you may want to change practice rights for nurses, improve the funding for disease research, represent an underserved population, or make healthcare more transparent.

However, there are many extremely diverse areas of health policy, and you should be ready to develop informed viewpoints on all of these topics. For that reason, a Master’s degree is necessary for the field of health policy.

Most South Dakota health policy programs involve about 42 credits, which is slightly more than what you may find in other graduate nursing programs.

In your required 42 credits, you may find courses like:

  • Promotion of Health and Prevention of Disease
  • Advanced Healthcare Management
  • Rural Health Policies
  • Advanced Concepts in Health Policy
  • Public Policy and Addiction
  • Experimental Design and Analysis
  • Advanced Statistics

Relevant experience is crucial in this particular specialty. Policy can be a difficult world to break into, particularly if you do not have many contacts in legislation. Completing an internship or practicum course can help you start building the necessary professional network for future success.

Remember that your role as a nurse is a big part of your credibility and health policy. Failing to maintain your status as a registered nurse could hinder you in your career. Through the South Dakota Board of Nursing, make sure you renew your license every two years.

How Do Nurses Impact Healthcare Policy in South Dakota?

As you work your way through your graduate program, you’ll likely discover that nurses play a fairly large role in South Dakota healthcare legislation. The more you learn, the more you can start getting a feel for what you want to do in policy and how you want to use your nursing education.

The South Dakota Nurses Association is an excellent example of what nurses can do in local policy. The legislative committee of this group has worked hard to establish the South Dakota Board of Nursing as the only regulatory agency for nursing, improve education options for nurses, fund rehabilitation of impaired health workers, and strengthen the public health infrastructure.

Since health policy is an interdisciplinary field, you may become well-versed in other parts of healthcare. The South Dakota Public Health Association focuses on policies and laws that make South Dakota healthier for residents and improve health outcomes across the state.

If you are passionate about healthcare and you want to use your nursing experience to improve the quality of life of South Dakota residents, a health policy degree is the next step for you.

Check out your options by contacting graduate healthcare policy programs in South Dakota.