Master’s in Nursing Schools in Georgia

As a nurse, you likely know what an important role you play in your health care organization. If your career goals involve a nursing specialty like midwifery, primary care, education, or research, a Master’s degree may be the next step for you. You can find a full listing of all the nursing schools in Georgia that offer Master’s level education, including RNtoMSN and Direct Entry MSN programs for non-nursing degree holders.

There may be lots of room for growth if you want to become a certified nurse midwife. GPB News reports that Georgia ranks 50th in the nation for maternal deaths, which is why the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses has decided to focus on reducing maternal deaths throughout the state. Increasing the number of qualified maternal health providers in the state is one way to address the problem. If you are interested in Midwifery, you can visit our specialty page to learn more.

The Georgia Nursing Leadership Coalition is working to improve nursing practice and education on many fronts, which may lead to a more supportive environment for Master’s-level nurses. They aim to increase the amount of nurses with Master’s degrees by using a $2.5 million grant from the Georgia Board of Regents.

While Georgia currently has a restricted scope of practice for nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives, and nurse anesthetists, lobbying movements throughout the state aim to bring more freedom to these professions. Georgia has one of the most severe primary care shortages in the country, leaving many counties without primary care, obstetric care, and pediatric care. Various Master’s-level nursing programs in Georgia can provide you with the education and skills you need to help bridge this gap.

Nursing Schools in Georgia

While most MSN programs in Georgia require you to have a Bachelor’s degree in nursing, other schools offer bridge programs. You can either bridge from an Associate’s degree in nursing (Rn to MSN) to a Master’s degree in nursing or from a Bachelor’s degree in an unrelated field to an MSN.

At each school, there are designated core courses that make up the first semester of your graduate program. These courses may include Advanced Physiology and Pharmacology, Advanced Health Assessment, and Health Care Policy Issues.

Specializing in nurse education requires courses like Instructional and Evaluation Strategies, Clinical Practicum for the Nurse Educator, and Educational Theory. If you pursue a nurse leadership degree, you may take courses like Leadership for Safety and Health Policy, Informatics and Health Outcomes, and Health Systems Leadership. Clinical programs may include a range of courses that educate you on your target population.

On top of institutional scholarships, consider applying for scholarships offered by Georgia organizations to help fund your Master’s program in Georgia. The Georgia Nurses Association and Foundation awards two scholarships per year and the Georgia Association for Nursing Education awards the Spillman-Bischoff Scholarship. If you are pursuing a nurse midwifery degree, you can apply for the March of Dimes Scholarship.

Working With Your MSN in Georgia

Many exciting career opportunities await nurses who have their MSN degrees in the state of Georgia. These opportunities may include working as a nurse midwife or a nurse educator.

As a nurse midwife, you will work with women of childbearing age to help them achieve healthy pregnancies and births.

Nurse educators often work in a college setting instructing student nurses. They can also work within hospitals or clinics by keeping other nurses up to date on continuing education and training, as well as updates in the field of nursing.

To find out more about MSN programs, classes, or costs, contact the schools listed on this page.

Nursing Schools in Georgia

Emory University
Atlanta, GA
Herzing University-Atlanta
Atlanta, GA

What You Can Expect From Your MSN Program

With your BSN, you’ve probably started and enjoyed a rewarding nursing career that has allowed you to touch thousands of lives. Whether you have one year or ten years of nursing experience, though, it may be time to take your career to the next level. Earning a Master’s degree in Nursing in Georgia can give you the opportunity to become an advanced care provider, contribute to nursing research, teach nursing students, or become a leader in the health care field. If you’re considering an advanced nursing degree, your first step should be to contact the schools you’re interested in to learn more about program specifics.

The Georgia Department of Labor notes that there are many advanced nursing careers that are expected to stay hot for the foreseeable future. Those who provide primary care to people of all ages, educate nursing students, and lead health care organizations have in-demand skills.

In particular, nurse practitioners are in high demand in Georgia and across the country. According to Georgia Health News, the doctor shortage in Georgia is prominent in the state’s rural areas. Nurse practitioners provide many of the exact same services as medical doctors, and often with better patient satisfaction. If you’re willing to work in a rural part of the state, you may have an excellent job outlook as a nurse practitioner in Georgia.

There are also many professional resources for graduate nursing students and advanced practice nurses in Georgia. The Georgia Association for Nursing Education provides many opportunities for nurse educators and supports them in their efforts to improve nursing education. The United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses of Georgia brings together advanced practitioners and helps them extend health services to the people of Georgia. Nurse anesthesia is a highly specialized field, and you can connect with other aspiring nurse anesthetists and those who are successful in the field by joining the Georgia Association of Nurse Anesthetists.

It’s important to make sure that you’re a good fit for an MSN program before you start imagining your future as a nurse practitioner or instructor. First, you must have a Bachelor’s degree in nursing. This four-year degree offers the nursing background and critical thinking skills you need to do well with graduate-level coursework. In addition, many Master’s in Nursing programs require at least one year of full-time nursing experience.

Before you get started in your specialty courses, you’ll need to take the core courses that build the foundation of your advanced nursing skills. In Georgia, these courses may include Nursing Theory and Knowledge Development, Advanced Health Assessment, Health Care Policy, and Research Methods for Advanced Nursing Practice.
Other courses will be related specifically to your choice of concentration. For example, nursing education students may take Educational Theory and Curriculum Design, Instructional and Evaluation Strategies, and Teaching Practicum. Aspiring nurse practitioners may take Diagnostic Ordering, Health Problems in Primary Care Health Settings, and Primary Care Practicum. Leadership programs may combine both nursing and business courses.

You can apply for a number of federal and statewide financial aid opportunities as a Georgia nursing student. The Georgia Nurses Association and Foundation awards two scholarships every year, starting at $500 and increasing in line with donations. The NURSE Corps Scholarship Program awards funds to students that agree to work in a shortage facility after graduation. West Georgia Health awards the George E. Sims Nursing Scholarship.

After graduating with your MSN, your nursing career starts with licensure from the Georgia Board of Nursing. For some careers, you must simply maintain valid RN licensure to work in your field. In other fields, particularly clinical ones, you must pursue advanced practice registered nursing licensure.

The most important thing you can do today to get started is to request graduate nursing program information from the schools you find on our site.

Georgia RN to MSN Bridge Programs

As the nursing shortage continues to affect healthcare across the country, many states and nursing employers are looking for effective ways to increase the amount of nurses in the workforce while also expanding their duties. In fact, WJCL News reports that a Georgia university has increased the amount of nursing programs and positions open to new students. Business in Savannah claims that this is due to the 712,000 jobs expected to be added by 2020, for which Georgia is trying to prepare graduates. If you have an Associate’s degree in nursing, you may be a good fit for an RN-to-MSN program in Georgia. Contact the schools on our site that offer MSN bridge programs to learn more.

Most MSN programs in Georgia are designed for BSN graduates, so as an ADN graduate, you may need to spend slightly longer in school than those who are entering the program with a bachelor’s degree. Generally speaking, you can complete an RN-to-MSN program in about three years of full-time study. There may be accelerated options that last just two years, as well as part-time programs that you can stretch out to four or five years.

In the early stages of your Master’s in Nursing degree, you may take courses like Family Theory and Issues Management, Nursing Research, Healthcare Management, and Evidence-Based Research in Nursing. These courses lay the foundation for higher-level graduate degree coursework. Some of the core classes you may be expected to take as an MSN student include Health Care Financing and Policy Development, Epidemiology, Role Transition and Nursing Informatics, and Advanced Health Assessment.

The skills you gain in an MSN program are meant to prepare you for one role in advanced nursing. You usually have to choose your specialty early in your degree program, so look at your prior nursing experience to decide which career path best suits you. Paths based in management and administration can include nursing leadership, nurse administration, and nursing informatics. In a clinical setting, options include nurse practitioner, nurse midwifery, and nurse anesthesia. Nurse education may be a good choice for students who want to teach undergraduate students.

Since the nursing shortage is so prominent in Georgia, it should come as no surprise that there are numerous agencies, organizations, and employers that have nursing scholarships for those willing to go the extra mile in their education. The Georgia Association for Nursing Education is an excellent scholarship resource for nurses that want to go into the field of nursing education. Scholarships offered through the Georgia Nurses Association are typically available to nurses in a range of specialties. West Georgia Health is a local employer that offers education funds to employees and selected nursing students. Kaiser Permanente of Georgia, one of the largest nursing employers in the state, awards several hundred thousand dollars of nursing scholarships every five-year period.

The Georgia Board of Nursing requires you to maintain a valid RN license throughout the duration of your career. If you are going into advanced clinical practice, you may have to meet additional licensing requirements. This may include a specialized test and application.

In general, nursing salaries in Georgia are slightly lower than the national average. However, they still tend to be relatively close to salaries reported across the country.

Nursing in Georgia is an exciting and dynamic field. Make the most of your nursing experience and your hard work by earning an MSN. It can expand your professional opportunities while making a positive contribution to the nursing field. Take some time to request program materials from the schools on our site to learn more about your options.

Georgia Direct Entry MSN

Job growth in the health care sector is greater than growth in many other industries, which may be part of why you’re interested in becoming a nurse. Whether your interests lie in nursing research, education, leadership, or direct care, your Bachelor’s degree from another field may help you earn a Master’s degree in nursing.

There are multiple Georgia nursing schools that offer direct entry MSN programs. With this type of program, the coursework from your previous Bachelor’s degree can allow you to earn an MSN in as little as 18 months.
To learn more about how you can become a nurse in a short amount of time, while still applying your previous education credits, contact the schools on this page to learn more.

Georgia Direct Entry Master’s in Nursing programs are typically split up into two parts: the first part, which helps you develop undergraduate nursing skills, and the second part, which delves into graduate-level nursing in a specialty of your choice.

You’ll need a fairly strong history of academic performance to be considered for admission to most of Georgia’s direct entry MSN programs. These schools may require you to have an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0 to make it through the initial screening process. Furthermore, your undergraduate education must have provided you with enough science education to prepare you for an intensive nursing program. Requirements vary between educational institutions, but you’ll likely need coursework in chemistry, biology, and statistics.

After you complete undergraduate classes like Core Nursing Skills, Fundamentals of Nursing, and Pathophysiology, you may move onto graduate courses that reflect your career goals. Some students want to go into direct care as a clinical nurse specialist, nurse midwife, nurse anesthetist, or nurse practitioner. Others decide to go into fields like nurse administration, nurse education, and nursing research. Courses you may be expected to take at this level include Advanced Health Assessment, Leadership for Health Professions, Management of Acute and Chronic Illness, and Healthcare Quality.

Once you’ve decide on nursing as a career and been accepted to a direct entry MSN program in Georgia, you can start your search for scholarships and financial aid. Many health care employers have scholarship programs, like Archbold Medical Center. They fund numerous scholarships for those who are advancing their education in health care. A big resource for students is the Georgia Association for Nursing Education. They award the Lucy Willard Scholarship, the Sarah Helen Killgore Scholarship, and the Spillman-Bischoff Scholarship. The Georgia Nurses Association also awards scholarships to graduate-level nursing students. Scholarship amounts start at $500. The two main scholarships offered by this group are the Katherine Pope Scholarship and the Annie Lou Overton Scholarship.

Before you start working in the nursing field, you must meet the appropriate licensing requirements. The Georgia Board of Nursing is the agency that is responsible for nurse licensure. If you plan on becoming an advanced nurse practitioner, nurse anesthetist, nurse midwife, or clinical nurse specialist, you must first get a registered nursing license. You can then apply for authorization as an advanced care provider.

Georgia may be a great place to start your advanced practice nursing career, since job growth rates are high across the board. Per O*Net, nurse anesthetists can anticipate the lowest job growth rates.

The salary you claim as a graduate-level nurse is dependent on your specialty and how much experience you bring to the table.

This career offers room for growth and can likely bring you a good deal of job satisfaction. As you work and expand your skills, you can feel good knowing that you are bringing better health to the people of Florida. An advanced degree can help you positively influence the entire field of nursing. Contact the nursing schools on this page for program information to learn more today.

Georgia CRNA Programs

Anesthesia is one of the most important specialties in all of health care. Proper anesthetic procedures can minimize the risk of infection, prevent the spread of disease, provide a safe environment for surgery and other procedures, and keep patients comfortable during uncomfortable procedures. As a registered nurse in Georgia, you likely already know how crucial this field is. If you’re ready to take your nursing career to the next level, consider becoming a nurse anesthetist by attending a CRNA program in Georgia. You can contact schools directly from our site to learn more about your options.

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists are nurses who have reached a graduate level of education and passed rigorous testing to earn the title of CRNA. To begin a career in nurse anesthesia, you need to have advanced education in pharmacology, pathophysiology, and different types of anesthesia. A bachelor’s degree in nursing can offer a good foundation, but a master’s degree is required in this field.

When you become a CRNA, you may work alongside many other health care professionals to provide patients with high-quality care in various settings. Your day-to-day tasks may put you in collaboration with surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurse practitioners, and other highly-trained medical professionals. You may be responsible for administering anesthesia to laboring patients, patients about to undergo surgery, patients who require emergency care, or patients with severe pain issues. You must be able to respond quickly to feedback and emergency situations, skills that you may already have gained as a registered nurse. If it’s time for you to take the next step in your nursing career, reach out to CRNA schools in Georgia today.

Admissions and Curriculum for CRNA Programs in Georgia

If you have your Bachelor’s degree in nursing, you are on the right path to applying for CRNA programs in Georgia. You’ll likely need a GPA of at least 3.0, although a GPA of 3.5 or higher in your nursing courses may make you a more qualified candidate. In addition, you do need some experience working as a registered nurse. Typically, CRNA programs require at least one year of full-time work experience in a field such as emergency care, trauma care, or surgical nursing.

The CRNA program is a 45 to 60 credit program, depending on which school you decide to attend. This means that it takes roughly two to three years of full-time study to earn a Master’s degree in nurse anesthesia. Some schools require you to attend school during summer and winter breaks to make the most of your study time. As you progress through the program, your time may be split between the classroom and various clinical settings. In total, you should work with over 550 patients by the time you graduate.

The courses laid out in your CRNA curriculum are designed to help you develop a strong theoretical understanding of anesthesia as well as a solid base of practical skills. You may begin with courses like Advanced Physiology, Basic Principles of Anesthesia, and Chemistry & Physics Related to Anesthesia. Advanced courses in CRNA programs include Anesthesia Pharmacology, Advanced Principles of Anesthesia, Nursing Research Methods, and Pathophysiology for Nurse Anesthetists.

As a nursing graduate student, you may be able to apply for a wide range of scholarships in Georgia. West Georgia Health awards scholarships to employees that are returning to nursing school. The Health Resources and Services Administration has scholarships and loan repayment options for CRNAs that are willing to work in underserved areas. The Georgia Nurses Association is responsible for giving out the Katherine Pope Scholarship and the Annie Lou Overton Scholarship.

Working as a Nurse Anesthetist in Georgia

Professional licensure is an important aspect of nursing practice, but it is particularly crucial in nurse anesthesia. As a CRNA, you work with some of the most sensitive parts of the human body, so it is of the utmost importance that you be highly qualified. The National Board of Certification & Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists administers the main certification exam for American nurse anesthetists. You must pass their exam and become certified before applying for your state practice license through the Georgia Board of Nursing. They require proof of certification, proof of education completed, and an active nursing license for CRNA licensure. Once you have your license, you can apply for professional liability insurance; since you have already worked as a registered nurse, this may simply involve upgrading your existing liability insurance.

If you’re ready to make a change in the nursing community of Georgia and put your education to work for the greater good, it may be time to look into becoming a nurse anesthetist. The increased responsibility you take on may make you feel like you’re making an impact on the field of health care, while the increased earning potential and employment options may help you get on the career path of your dreams. Ready to take the first step? Contact CRNA schools in Georgia now.

Forensic Nursing in Georgia

Forensic science has evolved a shocking amount in the last decade, and researchers continue to make progress every single year. This field is extremely time sensitive; when a crime occurs, investigators may have days or even hours to collect evidence before it is destroyed or compromised.

Forensic nurses are an important asset to this field. They have the training and expertise needed to provide sensitive, appropriate care to victims while still collecting, documenting, and protecting the evidence needed for crime investigation. Furthermore, their advanced knowledge of victimology ensures that they meet the specific needs of crime victims. Specialists in this area often work with groups like the Georgia Network to End Sexual Assault. Learn more about training options now by contacting schools with forensic nurse degrees in Georgia.

Master’s Degree Programs in Forensic Nursing in Georgia

Depending on how much education you have, there may be several paths you can pursue to get started in this specialty. Legal nurse consulting is one option. Legal nurse consultants work in the courtroom to interpret evidence and provide expert testimony on crime cases. This career path requires flawless knowledge regarding state and federal law. In a legal nurse consulting program, you may take courses like:

  • Pathology in Forensic Nursing
  • Research in Nursing
  • Evidence-Based Forensic Nursing
  • Bioethics in Nursing
  • Law and Evidentiary Procedure

While nurse consulting programs may require applicants to have a Master’s degree in nursing, forensic nursing programs are well-suited to Bachelor’s degree graduates. Forensic nursing is typically a two-year program that requires completion of 30 to 40 credits. In addition to the courses listed above, you may take classes on victim psychology, evidence collection, criminal justice procedures in Georgia, and techniques for working with victims of crime. In this type of program, anticipate completing several clinical rotations to apply your new knowledge.

There are two agencies you may work with to obtain certification, depending on the title you want to earn. The Commission for Forensic Nursing Certification has programs for Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners and Advanced Forensic Nurses. If you complete a legal nurse consulting program, you may seek certification via the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants.

The Role of Forensic Nurses in Georgia

Since forensic nursing has grown faster than forensic nursing schools can keep up with demand, you may find a number of agencies and healthcare institutions that hire graduate-level forensic nurses. You may get involved in Georgia government agencies, such as the Georgia Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. They offer ongoing training and education to forensic nursing professionals. At the county level, you may work for institutions like the Mosaic Georgia Sexual Assault Center in Gwinnett county. As you develop your expertise in this field, you may have the opportunity to work as an expert witness in court cases that rely heavily on DNA evidence and physical trauma.

Part of learning how to become a forensic nurse is completing the proper training and being open to ongoing change in this specialty.

If you are ready to use your nursing skills to be a voice for Georgia victims, contact forensic nursing schools to take the first step.

Georgia Clinical Nurse Leader Degrees

When it comes to providing health care, Georgia often has more challenges to address than other states. The state’s largely rural population tends to have less access to care providers, which stretches the resources of care providers to their limits. Tackling these problems requires creativity, an understanding of policies and standards, and an appreciation for the role of leadership.

With a Master’s degree in nurse leadership, you may be ready to take on a new position in Georgia nursing.

If you are interested in the future of the nursing industry and the nursing professionals that are entering the field, then a degree in nurse leadership is a natural step for you. A recent Georgia investigation shows that nursing students throughout the state often lack the guidance and support they need to succeed as nurses (The Red & Black, 2015). When you take on a leadership job, part of your responsibility is encouraging new nursing staff and making it easier for those who want to get into nursing to get the training they need.

Rural Georgia residents struggle to get the care they need. Rural Georgia has seen a troubling trend of hospital closures in recent years (Augusta Chronicle). This has an impact on the economy as a whole, often creating economic disasters and significantly decreasing the quality of life for residents. These are the sorts of problems that nurse leaders can tackle.

Are you ready to step into your own as a leader in the health care industry? Get in touch with admissions professionals now with our list of Master’s in clinical nurse leadership programs in Georgia.

How Can I Become a Clinical Nurse Leader in Georgia?

The course of your study as a nurse leadership student is largely determined by the goals of your school and the AACN. By the time you complete your two or three years in school, you should be fully versed in the clinical, management, administrative, and legislative aspects of nurse leadership.

To help you reach these high standards, your school may have learning outcomes like those listed here:

  • Offer safe and comprehensive nursing care to patients
  • Use theories and research to practice nursing
  • Collaborate with health care providers and professionals
  • Use legal and ethical principles in your practice
  • Feel comfortable taking on leadership roles

You may meet the standards of your nurse management program by enrolling in courses like Health Care Delivery Models, Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing, Nursing Practice Through Clinical Reasoning, and Leading Teams to Promote Quality and Safety. To graduate, you may be expected to complete at least 36 credits. While some programs have minimal clinical requirements, some Georgia schools require over 1000 hours of experience in clinical settings.

A valid registered nursing license is required at all times in this career. Through the Georgia Board of Nursing, you can renew your license by the end of January every other year. This also requires you to earn 20 units of continuing education.
Your CNL certification comes from the AACN, which developed this credential. After getting your initial license, you must renew every five years. To renew your license, you have to supply proof of 50 hours of continuing education.

What Does a Clinical Nurse Leader Do?

CNL tasks, responsibilities, and goals are set by individual facilities, the AACN, and the needs of each department within a facility. Per the AACN, this credential is responsible for the integration of care for individual patients. However, this rule also involves looking at cohorts of patients and the data they provide to improve care for entire populations.

In your leadership role at your facility, you may use research to design and implement evidence-based nursing practices. Another aspect of management in this field is overseeing the work of registered nurses and collaborating with others in medical leadership positions. Technology may play a big role in your career, as nurse managers often have to use information systems to access, analyze, and design research. From there, you may use the principles of information management to improve health care outcomes.

It is also important to address the specific needs of Georgia. The Georgia Nursing Leadership Coalition brings together nursing leaders from all over the state to address statewide nursing initiatives and create plans that effectively solve statewide problems.

The larger the field of nursing becomes, the more crucial nursing leaders are to the industry. Find out how you can fill this need in Georgia and compare Georgia nurse leadership graduate programs.

Georgia Research Nursing Graduate Programs

When you became a registered nurse, it’s likely you were surprised by all that goes on behind the scenes in the world of health care. In particular, the field of nursing is constantly adapting and evolving to what this industry needs. As a registered nurse, you have contributed quite a bit to the hands-on part of this industry. If you are looking for your next big a career step, the field of nursing research may be what you’re looking for.

Nursing research is a substantial part of the health care industry in Georgia. Dozens of professionals in this state have been welcomed by the Honor Society of Nursing for their significant contributions to nursing research.

Whether you want to improve care for patients, find out how to bring more nurses into Georgia, or lend your expertise to the creation of medical tools, you can get started by contacting research nursing graduate programs in Georgia.

Georgia Graduate Degree Programs in Nursing Research

While working on the floor as a registered nurse, the most important part of your career was your practical nursing skills. However, the field of nursing research is a little bit different. Though you must retain your practical skills, you must further develop your knowledge of nursing theory, your understanding of research goals and protocols, and your ability to look at nursing in an abstract manner. These skills are covered by Master’s degree programs.

For most students, this type of program lasts two to three years. Over this time period, you gain between 30 and 45 credits as a graduate nursing student.

The curriculum for your program should be multifaceted and diverse so it can prepare you for the world of clinical research. As a graduate student, you may enroll in classes like Theory Development in Nursing, Epistemology, Synthesis in Nursing, Advanced Research Techniques in Nursing, Advanced Nursing Statistics, Qualitative Research in Nursing, and Quantitative Research in Nursing.

By the time you graduate, you must also meet the clinical work requirements of your program. In addition to your school’s research lab, you may get experience at local research facilities, clinics, and laboratories. Most of Georgia schools require you to complete several hundred hours of research work.

Graduate level nursing scholarships may be available through several different sources in Georgia. The Georgia Nurses Association awards two scholarships to students every year.

The Role of Clinical Nurse Researchers in Georgia

When you become a nurse researcher, you look for many different trends and occurrences in the nursing community. Researchers in one part of Georgia studied hospital-wide outcomes for heart attack patients to find which hospital had the best outcomes. From there, it is possible for researchers to improve protocols and procedures for better outcomes.

The need for clinical researchers is growing in Georgia, so you may be able to put your skills to work in a variety of settings upon graduation.

Is it time to take the next step in your career and realize your full potential as a nurse? If you are ready for this step, request information from nurse research programs in Georgia today.

Georgia Certified Nurse Midwife Programs

Nurse Midwife programs are designed to teach nurses advanced practice skills for antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum care, plus family planning and issues across the lifespan of women’s healthcare. It is necessary to have a graduate degree and pass the certification examination offered by the American Midwifery’s certification Board in order to be licensed.

If you’d like to get program details about Nurse Midwife programs in Georgia, contact the schools listed below for more information.

Certified Nurse Midwife Programs in Georgia

Emory University in Georgia has a Nurse Midwifery program that is ranked in the top ten programs in the nation by the US News. There are also online nurse midwifery programs in Georgia if you’d prefer this route.

Nurse Midwives are recognized by the American Nurses Association as advanced practice nurses who hold a Master’s degree from an approved nursing education program along with their national board certification in midwifery. If you become a Georgia Nurse Practitioner you will hold a DEA number if you are going to be prescribing or handling controlled substances.

Becoming a Certified Nurse Midwife in Georgia

The Emory University program requires you to have a BSN, and you must have completed the prerequisites of Introductory Statistics and Health Assessment.

Typical admission requirements for a CNM program in Georgia include:

  • Resume including work experience, community service, leadership role roles and research opportunities
  • A statement of purpose describing professional and personal reasons for selecting nursing as a career.
  • Official transcripts from each college or university you have attended
  • Three letters of recommendation: One from an immediate supervisor in a work setting, one from a clinical instructor from your nursing program and one letter from a professional nursing peer
  • Scores from the GRE or MAT taken within the past five years must be submitted

If you need help with tuition and college expenses, go to the Financial Aid Office and complete a FAFSA application, which is a federal grant based on your income. The Emory School of nursing also leads in HRSA Nurse Corpse scholarships. Nurse Corps also has a program that will pay 60 percent of your loan if you work for two years in one of their designated healthcare facilities.

The Robert W. Woodruff Clinical Fellowship is awarded to BSN prepared nurses who have been accepted to the Master of Science in Nursing program and demonstrate a strong potential or commitment to improving the quality of healthcare.

The curriculum for the Nurse Midwifery program includes:

  • Becoming an APRN
  • Advanced Physiology/Pathophysiology
  • Advanced Health Assessment
  • Introduction to Clinical Seminar: Nurse Midwife
  • Human Lactation and Breast-feeding
  • Management Research and Evidence-based Practice
  • Management of Acute and Chronic Illnesses I, II
  • Advanced Pharmacology for Nurse Midwifery I, II, III
  • NRSG 518 Management of Acute and Chronic Illnesses II
  • Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety
  • Mental Health
  • Issues in Advanced Practice Nursing
  • Leadership for Health
  • Embryology
  • Palliative Care across the Spectrum
  • Issues in Women’s Health

Most nurse midwifery programs entail 50-60 credit hours, along with significant clinical hours. There are also two accredited online programs offered by Georgetown University and Frontier Nursing University. Online programs can be very convenient if you are working or have a family to care for, you can take the courses online and usually complete the clinical hours with the preceptor near your home. If you are considering becoming a nurse midwife, this may be a great way to expand your career.

Once you have completed your graduate degree in nurse midwifery, you may take the certification exam offered by the American Midwifery Certification Board following graduation. This certification is considered the gold standard as their mission is to protect and serve the public.

Working as a Certified Nurse Midwife in Georgia

The need for Nurse Midwives is expected to grow over the next few years, so this career should give you a decent amount of job security.

Job opportunities can be found in hospitals, private clinics, offices of physicians, outpatient centers or some nurse midwives practice exclusively in the patient’s home. Becoming a Nurse Midwife not only advances your career, it also helps advance nursing as a whole. To get started, contact the schools you see on our site to learn more today.

Georgia Clinical Nurse Specialist Programs

You’re a registered nurse who’s interested in dedicating time to your education, taking on a larger care role with your patients, and contributing to the nursing field of Georgia. If this sounds like you, it may be time to learn more about advanced nursing degrees in Georgia and consider enrolling in a Master’s of Science in Nursing program. A clinical nurse specialist program may be a great option, especially if you want to combine your clinical and theory based knowledge into a rewarding career.

Contact the Georgia nursing schools that offer CNS programs from those listed below to get started.

If you enjoy clinical work but also want to focus on leadership and research, becoming a clinical nurse specialist may help you reach your professional goals. The Society for Clinical Nurse Specialists reports that clinical nurse specialists may focus on a number of fields, including gerontology, pediatrics, acute care, and chronic care.

With your experience in the field of nursing, you may be able to decide which fields best suit you and your long-term career goals. As a CNS, you may have the freedom to lead other nursing professionals, establish care plans for patients, and still participate in hands-on patient care. Learn more about clinical nurse specialist programs in Georgia now.

Becoming a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Georgia

Getting accepted to a CNS program is the first step to exploring this career path. Before you can be considered as a candidate, you must have a Bachelor’s degree in nursing with a GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Nursing experience is also essential, with most schools requiring at least one year of experience. You may also need strong recommendations from coworkers and superiors from your time as a registered nurse.

Once you have made the leap and started your CNS program, you can plan on taking a wide variety of challenging and exciting nursing courses. Core courses in this program include Context of Health Care for Advanced Practice Nursing, Application of Research to Practice, Ethical Basis of Nursing, and Statistical Literacy & Reasoning in Nursing Research.

Advanced courses in this field include Health Assessment and Measurement, Clinical Pharmacology, Pathophysiology in Nursing, and Health Promotion & Disease Prevention. You should also plan on taking courses that are specific to the specialty you choose to pursue.

As a CNS student, clinical experience may be one of your top priorities. Most programs in Georgia require no fewer than 500 hours, with quite a few schools requiring many more hours.

Each year, you may want to spend some time looking into scholarships, grants, and loan repayment programs. West Georgia Health is one example of a local employer that supports nursing students through financial aid. You may also wish to apply for scholarships through the United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses of Georgia. The Georgia Nurses Association/Foundation offers scholarships that start at $500. Scholarships may be need-based or performance-based.

Working as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Georgia

After you have earned your Master’s degree, you are very close to starting your career as a clinical nurse specialist. It’s important to apply for the clinical nurse specialist exam through the American Nurses Credentialing Center, which certifies nurses in different specialty areas. You can then get your advanced practice license through the Georgia Board of Nursing.

Nursing is a field that’s always growing and adapting. Help it change in positive ways by advancing your own nursing education. You can start by contacting clinical nurse specialist programs in Georgia directly from our site.

Georgia Public Health Graduate Programs

The goal of the health care industry isn’t just to treat each patient and send them on their way. Rather, the overarching goal of this field is to create a healthier society. While working as a registered nurse, you may have become aware of different health concerns and problems that are major issues in Georgia. If you have ever wanted to use your experience to address these issues, the field of public health may be what you are looking for.

In Georgia, public health professionals address many important needs. They help to control disease outbreaks, prevent diseases from spreading, and improve health and wellness overall. In one Georgia county, for example, public health nurses ran a free HIV testing clinic in conjunction with National HIV Testing Day.

If you want to participate in initiatives like this one, get more information from public health nursing graduate programs in Georgia by contacting the schools you see below.

Master’s Degree Programs in Public Health Nursing in Georgia

As you learn more about public health nursing, you’ll realize that you have to be extremely well-educated in many aspects of health care to work in this field. Not only must you be able to work independently as a nurse, you need to be well-versed in threats to George’s health and know how to work with other health professionals for the sake of Georgia residents. You can achieve these goals by earning a Master’s degree in public health nursing, a process which usually takes between two and three years.

The courses you take in this program should cover the spread and containment of disease, research and statistics, nursing protocols, and community outreach. In your curriculum, you may find courses like Epidemiology and World Health, Community Health Assessment, Transformational Leadership and Management, Information Technology in Health Care, Health Behavior and Health Research, Financial and Resource Management, Public Health Leadership, and Health Policy.

Going into public health nursing means completely changing your role in the field of nursing, which is why the clinical experience you get as a student is so beneficial. You may learn how to run health education programs for the public, contribute to health care legislature discussions, design and carry out public health initiatives, and work with those from different parts of the medical industry.

You may wish to join local organizations to expand your professional reach and look into financial aid options. The Georgia Association for Nursing Education funds scholarships and grants for advanced nursing students.

The Role of Public Health Nurses in Georgia

Public health nurses play an important role everywhere in the United States, but they are particularly essential in Georgia. Georgia Health News reports that public health nurses are the backbone of many statewide and countywide health departments, helping to prevent and contain the spread of disease. However, officials from the Georgia Department of Public Health note that public health nurses are in extremely short supply all over the state. Upon completing your degree, you may be able to work in many different parts of Georgia.

Georgia faces different public health issues every year. As a public health nurse, you can protect and educate the people in your community. Take the first step now by requesting information from public health nursing programs in Georgia.

Graduate Nursing Programs in Healthcare Policy in Georgia

One of the big draws of the healthcare field is the way that it empowers people to use whatever skills they may have to improve the lives of people in their communities. You may love working as a registered nurse and getting to save lives everyday, but perhaps you are interested in using your critical thinking and analysis skills to explore another part of the nursing industry.

If you want to change healthcare on a grander scale, you may want to change healthcare policy and its implementation in Georgia.

There are plenty of institutions and agencies that trying to impact healthcare policy through a stronger understanding of research, evidence, and statewide needs. The Georgia Health Policy Center focuses specifically on the analysis of nursing research and utilizes it to drive legislative efforts.

With a Master’s degree in healthcare policy, you may get the chance to work with various projects and health initiatives. The Georgia Health Policy Center is currently working with Trinity Health as part of a public health initiative to assess improvement in Georgia’s obesity and smoking rates (Modern Healthcare).

As you work toward your graduate degree, you’ll uncover more and more ways that you can use your education to strengthen the nursing industry.

Get in contact with instructors and industry leaders now by contacting Master’s in healthcare policy programs in Georgia.

Master’s Degree Programs in Healthcare Policy in Georgia

Legislation is an extremely complicated part of the American government, so it should come as no surprise that you must complete an in-depth program of study to make useful contributions to the world of healthcare policy. You must be able to understand health systems, funding sources and financing concerns of health organizations, the legislative process, and the role of politics in health policy.

While completing your required 36+ credits for a Master’s degree in health policy, you may enroll in courses like those listed below:

  • Public Health Finance
  • Healthcare Law
  • Health Informatics
  • Health Leadership and Strategic Planning
  • Health Policy and Management
  • Public Health Policy and Ethics

Since this field is very multifaceted and diverse, you may want to build a thorough understanding of what you are expected to learn by the time you graduate.

The following learning outcomes are often part of Georgia healthcare policy programs:

  • Use research to draw conclusions from different populations and studies
  • Understand legal and ethical principles for legislative purposes
  • Design studies
  • Properly use legislative language to create policies that support HCPs and patients
  • Prepare proposals for funding and support

You must also keep your RN license through the Georgia Board of Nursing. This requires you to renew your license by January 31 every other year. In addition, the Board of Nursing established a policy that will require applicants to complete 20 hours of continuing education per renewal cycle.

How Do Nurses Impact Healthcare Policy in Georgia?

Upon completing your Master’s degree, you should have the skills and knowledge you need to tackle the problems of the healthcare industry through legislation. Creating effective laws and policies involves working with many different agencies and organizations, while still staying up-to-date on the world of nursing and the concerns of Georgia nurses.

Maintaining an active presence in nursing and healthcare associations allows you to stay in touch with healthcare providers and stay informed concerning their challenges and issues. Groups like the Georgia Healthcare Association are extremely involved in lobbying and legislation.

Public health is quite important in healthcare policy. Georgia currently ranks among the unhealthiest states in the country (MyAJC). Legislators hope to change this by looking at risk factors, causes behind unhealthy lifestyle choices, and how healthcare providers can help.

The future of the healthcare industry will be decided by the laws that are passed today. Find out how you can make your mark in this specialty by contacting graduate healthcare policy programs in Georgia.

Hospice Nursing in Georgia

While most nurses spend their days working with doctors to cure diseases and extend patients’ lives, hospice nurses and nurse practitioners find themselves in a very different position. As a hospice nurse practitioner or clinical nurse specialist in Georgia, you can help patients enjoy the best quality of life possible in their final days. Hospice care is available to terminal patients of all ages and diagnoses. Although it is meant to keep patients comfortable and pain-free, it can be combined with conventional curative treatment.

As an aspiring hospice nursing professional, you can get involved in groups like the Georgia Hospice & Palliative Care Organization. This organization works with healthcare professionals to support patients and families throughout the difficult end-of-life stage.

If you’re ready to earn palliative care certification and use your nursing experience in a meaningful way, request information from Georgia hospice nursing programs.

Master’s Degree Programs in Hospice/Palliative Care Nursing in Georgia

To earn a Master’s degree in hospice nursing, there are several qualifications you have to meet. You can decide whether you want to work as a clinical nurse specialist or nurse practitioner. These roles overlap in many ways, although nurse practitioners are more likely to be a patient’s primary care provider while clinical nurse specialists may take on more specialized roles.

In either case, you may be able to pursue a Master’s degree with an Associate’s degree or Bachelor’s degree in nursing. RN-to-MSN programs help Associate’s-level RNs transition to nurse practitioner licensure in about four years, while standard MSN programs typically last two years.

As you study nursing at the Master’s degree level, you may focus your education on pediatrics, adult care, gerontology, or another population. Once you’ve completed your core courses, you may move on to hospice coursework. Clinical work is an essential facet of nursing education, so you should plan on completing well over 500 hours by the time you graduate.

Commonly Required Hospice and Palliative Care Courses

  • Foundations of Life-Threatening Illness, Disease Progression, and Quality of Life
  • Pain and Suffering in the Seriously Ill
  • Palliative Care in Advanced Nursing Roles

After you’re accepted to a hospice nursing program, you may apply for scholarships for advanced nursing students and hospice nursing students. The Hospice & Palliative Nurses Foundation selects several students to receive $2,000 scholarships each year. The Sacred Journey Hospice Foundation awards $1,000 scholarships.

Education is the first step to hospice and palliative care certification. The Hospice & Palliative Credentialing Center oversees licensure of Advanced Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurses. To qualify, you need a Master’s degree in nursing, a clinical nurse specialist or nurse practitioner license, and either 500 hours of hospice nursing experience in one year or 1,000 hours in two years. Advanced nursing licensure is regulated by the Georgia Board of Nursing.

The Role of Hospice/Palliative Care Nurses in Georgia

Hospice and palliative nurses serve patients and families throughout Georgia. Some of the largest hospice facilities in this state are Halcyon Hospice, Hospice of South Georgia, and Hospice of Northeast Georgia Medical Center. Whether you become an NP or a CNS, you may be part of a cooperative care team that helps patients stay pain-free, comfortable, and safe in their final days.

Hospice nursing often demands 24-hour coverage for patients, due to the fact that they may need pain relief or comfort care at any point in time. You should anticipate working nights, holidays, and weekends as needed.

If you’re ready to earn a palliative care nursing degree, Georgia schools are here to help.

Check out local education options below and contact nursing programs near you for more information.