Utah Nurse Practitioner Programs

The benefits of a nursing education cannot be overstated, particularly if you’re devoted to helping the people of Utah lead healthier and more fulfilling lives. After gaining experience as a registered nurse, you may be ready to take the next step in your nursing career. Find out more about nurse practitioner programs in Utah by contacting the schools you see to find out if this is the right move for you.

Nurse practitioners are in growing demand in Utah, particularly with the passing of Utah Cares. Utah Cares is a plan that provides health coverage to low-income Utah residents. The plan allows recipients to use the services of nurse practitioners.

Furthermore, Utah is one of many states that has a doctor shortage. Forbes notes that an increase in available nurse practitioners can go a long way to minimizing the doctor shortage and getting residents high-quality health care.

In Utah, jobs are on the rise. The Spectrum notes that southwest Utah’s job market is growing rapidly. If you’re willing to relocate for the perfect nurse practitioner job, you may be able to earn a variety of benefits.

Nurse Practitioner Program Curriculum in Utah

To be considered for admission to a nurse practitioner program in Utah, you must have a Bachelor’s degree in nursing. Most schools have high GPA requirements, typically starting at 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. In addition, the majority of Utah schools require you to have extensive work experience. Some schools only require one to three years of nursing experience. However, to be admitted to some programs, you may need up to five years of full-time nursing experience.

Once you begin a nurse practitioner program of two to three years, you may take courses in many different treatment specialties. Some of the courses that may be part of your curriculum include Evidence-Based Practice, Elder Health Promotion, Advanced Pharmacology, Leadership & Advocacy, Advanced Pathophysiology, and Professional Role & Collaboration. Each semester, you may gain professional experience in hospital and clinic settings. Upon the completion of a Master’s degree in nursing, you may have well over 600 hours of clinical experience under your belt.

It’s important to take advantage of the nursing scholarships that are available in Utah. Scholarships may be available through employers, nursing associations, and schools. Some financial aid opportunities come in the form of graduate assistantships or teaching assistantships. The Utah Nurses Association is another popular source for graduate nursing scholarships.

Working as a Nurse Practitioner in Utah

It’s crucial to maintain your registered nursing license while working toward your nurse practitioner degree. After you finish your master’s degree or doctoral degree, you can apply for an advanced practice license through the Utah Division of Occupational & Professional Licensing. This process involves passing the nurse practitioner exam and applying for advanced status in Utah.

For many working nursing professionals, becoming a nurse practitioner may allow you to increase your earning potential. O*Net reports that nurse practitioners in Utah earn an average salary of $89,600 per year.

Though the job outlook for nurse practitioners is positive across the entire country, it’s extremely promising in Utah. Through 2022, O*Net expects a 47 percent increase in nurse practitioner job openings. This is 14 percent higher than the national average (O*Net, 2012).

Becoming a nurse practitioner can allow you to enjoy a greater scope of practice and serve your patients in many ways. Get started today by contacting nurse practitioner schools in Utah.